torsdag 30. august 2007

NHK spesial show and Obedience 2007

25.- 26. hadde NHK sin årlige utstilling med IHF cert.17 valper, 27 hanner og 36 tisper var påmeldt på lørdag, samt totalt 15 i offisiell lydighet og 8 valper på søndag. Nedenfor kommer noen bilder av våre hunder og de resultatene de oppnådde... Komplett resultatliste kan du lese inne på NHK's hjemmeside.
Dommeren i år var spesialdommer og lederen av den Engelske Hovawartklubben, Gill Stockton.


August 25th and 26th Norwegian Hovawart Club had their annual show with IHF cac and obedience on Sunday. Saturday there was totally 17 puppies, 26 male and 36 females. On Sunday there were 15 in the official obedience and 8 in puppyclass. Complete results can be seen on NHK's web site (in Norwegian only).
Judge was Gill Stockton, the chairman of The Hovawart Club of Great Britain
Here are some pictures and results for our dogs and the puppies from our A-litter.


Dratini's Ariados Hero 1/2 Junior class with Honor Price

Dratini's Azumarill 1/4 Junior class with Honor Price

Flymossens Dratini 1/4 Open class

Nuch Hauswart's Black Heavy Charon 1/1 Veteran class
*BIS veteran*
He become 11 year young in october 2007!

Nuch Skoddevikas Black Amy 1/3 i Champion class with Certificate quality and fourth best female of totally 36 females.

Amy in Obedience Class 1 on Sunday, "Don Juan" is Tervtina Churchill 15 months old..

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Congratulatios to you all on all the great results! Love the picture of Amy and her Romeo!

Dratini sa...

Thank You very much. Most of the other people there were surpriced that Amy stayed down when her "Don Juan" tried to charm her. Lovely weekend with great results for us and all our friends ;)